Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Palmer Dart 2011

On 17th September 36 scantily clad individuals walked down the Totnes slipway into the Dart and swam the four miles to Stoke Gabriel. Despite threats of wind and rain the weather was fine and the sun was out. With parts of the country suffering from wild weather and ‘storms worse than we’ve seen in 15 years’ we were very lucky to have the sun join us.

The swimmers get in

High tide was 0950 and we decided to start the swim half an hour before at 0920. The morning started at 0745 at Stoke Gabriel Quay where Anthony, John and Roger met to pick up some kayaks and ferry some support crew up to Totnes. The weather was already looking promising and spirits were surprisingly high given the hour. Flasks, blankets (and coffee and croissants) were transported to Totnes to keep the supporters going whilst out on the river watching us swim.

Alun and Lesley were waiting at Totnes Rowing Club where swimmers and other kayakers were starting to arrive. Stuart was busy handing out hats, and kayakers and swimmers were trying to coordinate to ensure a safe passage down river to their destination.

More supporters turned up than we were expecting, simply for a few hours on the water. It was clear that everyone there was looking forward to spending some time either in or on the water and it was a great way to start the day.

Sue looking forward to getting in the Dart
At 0910 our experienced ‘horn man’, Egg, gave the warning that we would be starting the swim in 10 minutes and clothing started to fly around the car park. Clothes were flung, hats were donned, goggles cleaned and for some, rubber on. Swimmers huddled together to keep warm before the swim began and at 0920 Egg sounded his horn and we were off.

John led the way in ‘Merry Go’ with Kev Dart and Steve Edwards leading the swimmers, our fastest swimmers by far Steve demonstrated his speed and finished the swim first. Following them were the Exmouth Masters group, a very experienced bunch, a mix of Channel Swimmers and Open Water aficionados they swam at a leisurely pace, chatting as they went and still managed to finish the swim in an impressive time.
Steve et al preparing for the swim - Next year no wetsuits! 
From then on a trickle of smiling swimmers meandered their way down river with the occasional pause to look around them, glorious sunshine, calm water, Sharpham, Fleet Mill, Duncannon, one Seal spotting and then out into the less sheltered part of the river for the final stretch into Stoke Gabriel.
Rounding the corner at Mill Point it becomes clear how quickly the tide turns and picks up speed, it was hard work swimming from there to the Quay but there was a welcoming crowd and the smell of bacon and sausage sandwiches drew in the swimmers.

As with last year a very welcoming crowd of locals, supporters, friends, family and SGBA members were there to both congratulate us and remark on our madness. A lovely way to finish a swim, surrounded by friendly faces all ready to offer you a cup of tea.

It was another fantastic swim, which turned into an event as the SGBA and Paignton Kayakers turned out in force to join us and keep an eye on us and then help us eat sandwiches and drink tea. It really would not be the same swim without the local support we have. It’s just lovely and makes us feel very lucky indeed. So thank you to the SGBA and thank you to anyone who enjoys being out on the water and comes along simply to help.

We will definitely do the swim again next year and who knows the sun may well shine for us again…fingers crossed. 

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