Monday, 28 May 2012

My mate Mr(s) Seal

I've swam outside most days last week and to round it off I got in at Broadsands when it was rough, really rough. There was a bit of a tidal sweep and I wasn't totally in control. It was at the point that I realised this and starting heading for shore that I realised it was quite hard to head for shore. I had to work hard to keep that slight feeling of panic in check as Stu and the girls were on the beach and I just wanted to get back to them.

I started to swim fast and started to gain distance, it was exciting and just as I realised I was heading in the right direction I beached on what felt like a huge turtle. I looked up and realised that I was nowhere near shore and it couldn't be sand it had to be animal. This did nothing for the adrenalin and I my swimming speed increased yet again.

The shore got closer and I turned around to look at the waves and saw what looked like a huge black tree stump emerging time and time again from the water. I kept swimming but soon realised that an enormous seal was following me, playing with me. Wondering what I was doing in the water. He was interested, it was sweet but it was much more sweet when I was standing up and on safe ground!

A lovely experience but a slightly scary one!

Stuart swam there today in flat calm sparkly see, Mr(s) Seal swam with him again.....maybe we're making friends?

1 comment:

  1. There may be more than one seal along this stretch but I have swum with one in Fishcombe Cove, had one swim with me from Fishcombe down to Elberry and another time at Saltern Cove.

    The one at Fishcombe will bump your feet or if you paddle slowly on your back will come up under you and almost lift you out of the water and if you tread water it will come almost within arms length.

    However, I did hear of someone who got a nasty bite in her leg from a seal in Fishcombe Cove.
